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Greece in pictures

Greece in pictures

The Hellenic Republic is a Parliamentary Republic. The Hellenic Parliament consists of 300 deputies, who are elected every four years.

The President of the Republic is the head of the state. He coordinates the executive authorities, which are, however, directed by the Government.

Greece is a land of mountains and islands. 80% of Greece's land is mountainous, while the country counts thousands of islands and islets, 227 of which are inhabited.

Greece is one of the richest in Europe in terms of its biodiversity.

Greece enjoys more than 250 days of sunshine, or 3,000 sunny hours, per year.

One in four Greeks is below the age of 25 years.

Greece records the highest percentage (29.4%) of students in tertiary education in the EU.

57% of Greeks speak one foreign language and 15% two. Nine out of ten elementary school children learn English.

Family is the backbone of Greek society. The extended family provides child care for the young, nursing for the elderly, and support in times of need.

Greeks have achieved the best living combination: longevity in good health. Greek men and women are expected to live 66.4 and 66.9 years respectively without any health problems.

The prevailing religion in Greece is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church.