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Exhibition: “Philhellenism in Europe, from the Age of Enlightenment to the 20th century”

Monday, 07 April 2014 to Friday, 11 April 2014

European Parliament, “Altiero Spinelli” Building, entrance from the “Simone Veil Agora”, B-1047 Brussels, Belgium

Exhibition of relics by the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, under the auspices of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU
The exhibition is held by the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, in collaboration with Mrs. Marietta Giannakou, Head of the Greek European People’s Party Delegation in the European Parliament, and the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle Foundation.

“Philhellenism”, the manifestation of sympathy and support of foreign nationals towards Greeks and Greece has been a steady phenomenon in the course of centuries. The exhibition comprises references to historical figures and events that marked the different periods of Philhellenism’s fruitful presence, as well as rare collectors’ items, including books, letters and paintings from private collections.

(The access to the Exhibition is submitted to the terms and conditions that stand for the access to the buildings of the European Parliament.)
